森林如何移動?Shu Lea Cheang 談(超越)筆電的網絡表演
How can a forest move?
(beyond) laptop networked performance

Cheang discusses her multi-author, multi-artist, multi-player networked performance, notably tramjam rush hour (since 2004), Moving Forest (since 2008) and laptopsRus (since 2009) and makes references to the current artistic practices in live performance using network, smart phones and social media (including twitter and facebook). Taking the performance into public participative arena, Cheang explores interactive social interface with open circuit network technology.

tramjam rush hour
moving forest

project references:
Mark Shepard - the sentient city survival kit
Sonorous landscapes - escoitar.org
Zannah Marsh - Awkward_NYC/Awkward Everywhere
Paolo Cirio - street ghosts
Annie Abrahams - angry women
twitter art projects